• The Youth and Young Adult Ministry is an initiative of the Presbytery of Ottawa of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. It is a ministry for youth and emerging adults from high school to 30 years old. Check out our Upcoming Events page for what's happening next!
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bookclub feb. 16 7pm Bridgehead Bank and Albert

the laziest bookclub ever meets this wednesday

The Laziest Bookclub Ever meets this Wednesday at the Bridgehead at the corner of Bank and Albert. The past 21 days have seen action and enormous change in Egypt, so we’re going to talk about it! Let’s talk about this revolution and what it must mean for its citizens. Let’s talk about our hopes and … Continue reading

this is what we do

This is what Christians do.  This is who we are.  We are friends, we are protectors, we are peacekeepers, we are humanitarians.  We love the world, not just those who worship with us.  We stand with others, even while they kneel in prayer for other faiths. This is God’s good world, the world He loved so … Continue reading

the laziest bookclub ever meets tomorrow!

In the wake of the earthquake and resulting tsunami that has devastated Sendai, we’ll be reading this post written by an American who has lived in Japan for nearly 20 years.  We’ll talk about finding light and hope in the midst of darkness and despair, about how our Redeemer blesses us with community and love … Continue reading

the laziest bookclub ever meets tomorrow

This Sunday marks Transfiguration Day, when we recall how Jesus took Peter, James and John to a mountaintop where He was joined by Moses and Elijah and was called Son by the Voice of God.  So we’ll read a lovely reflection on the Transfiguration and what transfiguration means for us in our every day lives … Continue reading

open-mic cancelled

Sadly, due to a lack of sufficient performers, this week’s open-mic and coffeehouse has been cancelled. Details on future events and performing opportunities will be available here, so be sure to check back! And if you are interested in performing at a future open-mic, please contact darlene.mcleod@rogers.com.

final push for participants: open-mic this saturday!!

This is our final push for interested participants for this Saturday’s open-mic night and coffeehouse. To be held at St. Giles Presbyterian Church at Bank and First Ave. in the Glebe, doors open at 7pm. Admission is $3 or pay-what-you-can, and free fair-trade coffee and tea will be served. Nibblies will also be provided. Anyone … Continue reading

The Laziest Bookclub Ever meets tomorrow night

The Laziest Bookclub Ever meets again tomorrow evening at 7pm. We’ll be talking reading a short passage about and reflecting on vocation. How do we discern God’s plan for our life? What challenges will we face in accepting that call? Wednesday, February 2, 2011 @7pm Bridgehead at the corner of Bank and Albert See you … Continue reading

the laziest bookclub ever meets this wednesday!

The Laziest Bookclub Ever meets this Wednesday. This week marks the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, so we’ll be talking about Christian unity. Where do we see evidence of unity? What are the ways that we are working toward greater unity, both locally and globally? What effects would greater unity have on our … Continue reading

for everyone

As the sun sets on this Epiphany Sunday, I find myself thinking about those men from “the East” who travelled untold distances, through untold challenges, following only a star, to meet a baby, a king, who had come to save humanity. But He was called King of the Jews, not King of the World, or … Continue reading

The Laziest Bookclub Ever meets tonight!

Happy New Year!  The first meeting of The Laziest Bookclub Ever of 2011 is tonight at 7pm.  Since tomorrow is Epiphany (the twelfth day after Christmas, hence the carol) we’ll be talking a bit about that.  We’ll read sections of this blog post and consider how we approach stories from scripture: do we sanitize them? … Continue reading